Saturday, September 6, 2014

Chobotical Downtime

Hello everyone! Back with another blog post for today. c:
I've recently heard some information about Chobotical's downtime recently.

Now, this is not confirmed by any staff members. This was told to us by the lovely Vadim, a forum moderator.
I have reason to believe that our accounts and data are completely lost. This means that they are working as hard as they can to rebuild the Chobotical world all over again.

Not to fear, as there is also evidence on their Trello page, as the people mentioned in this blog post, that they will be opening up very soon. They have said that it would be up today, but I believe it could be next Saturday. Chobotical is a very big world, you know!

It's a plus for me though because I put the wrong email in during registration, so it is a great new start for me! ^^

I'm sorry for those who worked hard on their outfits, homes, and bugs. They're working really hard to get the game back up. They just need you to be a little patient. ;)
If anything comes up, either check their Twitter, Facebook, or my blog for any information.

There is no need to worry, because nothing will stop Chobotical from going back up! ^^

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