Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School with Chobotical!

Welcome class. I expect you to behave and respect the rules in our class.
Lets begin.

Haha. Welcome back to my blog, everyone!
As most of you know, this week everyone has been starting school. I don't know about you, but I had a lot of fun!
Lockers, meeting new teachers, and starting off a brand new year with a brand new life!

Anyways, I found an old picture from the blog, and I've decided to share it here!
Feel free to print this out and color it at your leisure! If you'd like to show me your finished product, you can comment down below with the link to your picture. I'd love to see what you can create! :D

So, I've decided to open up a blog roll here on my blog. If you haven't noticed already, I've added a few new features to my blog, and more will be sure to come up soon! 
teehee <3

So, I will be holding my very own, Blogicom!

The rules for this contest include:

  • Your blog should be eye-catching, and unique. But don't make it over-whelming. A few gadgets is fine, but don't add so many that it lags the entire screen. Simple, but unique is the aim.
  • Regardless of the website's downtime, I still expect that you post at least once a week. 
  • Don't make your blog distracting; you want to keep your readers on the information, right? I expect interesting blog posts that'll keep me hooked!
  • To enter, leave your blog's link in the comments section below. This is not an official Chobotical contest, I'm the host. c:

Blogicom will end next Saturday, the 13th. If anything pops up and I cannot announce the Blogicoms, don't worry. I'll be sure to keep you updated if something happens.

Good luck to you all, but stay in school! ^^


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