Sunday, August 31, 2014

Brand new Trello Board!

Hello everyone, how's life?
So sorry about the lack of posting; you all know why.

I understand that you've all been waiting for Chobotical to finally go up again, but we'll just need a bit more patience. ;)
They were undergoing hard maintenance to squash a bunch of bugs when the servers ended up needing fixing. That's being worked on, and soon they'll put it back up. Bad timing, amirite? xD
No worries though! Chobotical isn't gone forever. They're just making sure that our gaming experience is the best it can be. c:

While your waiting for Chobotical, you can always visit their Twitter and Facebook page to see any recent posts. The forums is also a great way to chat with your fellow Chobots! :D
But, the main thing I'd like to talk about, is the brand new Trello page! :o

It's not much, maybe it is, maybe it isn't! But I still love it. I've never heard of Trello before, but you learn something new everyday, yeah? ^^

If you do not know what Trello is, it is basically an online message board where you divide a project into small cards. Sort of like a cork board, and you put post it notes into different sections. It's a great way to keep yourself organized! I recommend that you sign up today. c:

As for the blog, I've been doing many updates to it. I'm currently still working on it, but how do you like the new header? Constructive criticism is appreciated!
If you'd like to help me improve my blog, leave a comment below leaving either tips or even pictures! Artwork is appreciated too, as I have a tab where I can display artwork and such 'n' such. :3
Anyone notice the new favicon? :D

Well, I'll see you guys later. Stay tuned for more updates on Chobotical! Remember to follow my blog to keep updated, and you'll never miss a post. c:

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