Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Chobots Is Back" Contest Winners!

Hello fellow Chobots!
Dizzy here with another blog post c:

So, recently, the Blog has gone back up. It's no longer under maintenance nao! :D
And, there's moar good news! ^^

The results for the Newspaper Article contest have been published!

Get ready for the winners!
I'd like to congratulate...

Once again, congratulations to you guys!
You all did amazing jobs on your entries. ^o^

Princess, the Chobotical Staff would like to reward you with 3000 bugs, one whole week of citizenship, and 30 rubies!
Astro, the prizes you will receive for your chobot are 2500 bugs, a 5 day bonus for your citizenship, and 25 red rubies!
And finally, Bonjour, whom the Chobotical Staff would like to reward you with 1500 bugs, a few more days of citizenship, and 15 precious rubies!

In addition to all of your prizes, you all earned a very special microphone for winning this specific contest.
If you did not win this time around, there is no need to worry. :D
There will be many opportunities for you to win, so you are almost guaranteed a prize once if you enter each one. c:

But I have to say, as I looked through all of the entries for the contest, they were all so amazing. <3
You all have the potential to win a contest like this, so never give up. ^^

Thank you Chobotical Staff for making this possible. c:

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