Sunday, August 31, 2014

Brand new Trello Board!

Hello everyone, how's life?
So sorry about the lack of posting; you all know why.

I understand that you've all been waiting for Chobotical to finally go up again, but we'll just need a bit more patience. ;)
They were undergoing hard maintenance to squash a bunch of bugs when the servers ended up needing fixing. That's being worked on, and soon they'll put it back up. Bad timing, amirite? xD
No worries though! Chobotical isn't gone forever. They're just making sure that our gaming experience is the best it can be. c:

While your waiting for Chobotical, you can always visit their Twitter and Facebook page to see any recent posts. The forums is also a great way to chat with your fellow Chobots! :D
But, the main thing I'd like to talk about, is the brand new Trello page! :o

It's not much, maybe it is, maybe it isn't! But I still love it. I've never heard of Trello before, but you learn something new everyday, yeah? ^^

If you do not know what Trello is, it is basically an online message board where you divide a project into small cards. Sort of like a cork board, and you put post it notes into different sections. It's a great way to keep yourself organized! I recommend that you sign up today. c:

As for the blog, I've been doing many updates to it. I'm currently still working on it, but how do you like the new header? Constructive criticism is appreciated!
If you'd like to help me improve my blog, leave a comment below leaving either tips or even pictures! Artwork is appreciated too, as I have a tab where I can display artwork and such 'n' such. :3
Anyone notice the new favicon? :D

Well, I'll see you guys later. Stay tuned for more updates on Chobotical! Remember to follow my blog to keep updated, and you'll never miss a post. c:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Chobots Is Back" Contest Winners!

Hello fellow Chobots!
Dizzy here with another blog post c:

So, recently, the Blog has gone back up. It's no longer under maintenance nao! :D
And, there's moar good news! ^^

The results for the Newspaper Article contest have been published!

Get ready for the winners!
I'd like to congratulate...

Once again, congratulations to you guys!
You all did amazing jobs on your entries. ^o^

Princess, the Chobotical Staff would like to reward you with 3000 bugs, one whole week of citizenship, and 30 rubies!
Astro, the prizes you will receive for your chobot are 2500 bugs, a 5 day bonus for your citizenship, and 25 red rubies!
And finally, Bonjour, whom the Chobotical Staff would like to reward you with 1500 bugs, a few more days of citizenship, and 15 precious rubies!

In addition to all of your prizes, you all earned a very special microphone for winning this specific contest.
If you did not win this time around, there is no need to worry. :D
There will be many opportunities for you to win, so you are almost guaranteed a prize once if you enter each one. c:

But I have to say, as I looked through all of the entries for the contest, they were all so amazing. <3
You all have the potential to win a contest like this, so never give up. ^^

Thank you Chobotical Staff for making this possible. c:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Chobotical's New Room!

Welcome back to my blog guys!
Most of you may know about how Chobotical has been under construction along with the blog as well. ;)
Not too long ago, they released a sneak peak picture on their blog.

The new room is going to be a Library!
It has long lines of bookcases, tables, and don't forget the beautiful waterfall!

So, simply click the picture to check out the blog post. More information on the new room should be there.

I'll be sure to keep you updated on Chobotical this week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chobotical Under Construction

Hey guys! It's Dizzy again. c:
I just wanted to keep you updated this week on what's been happening. ^^

So first of all, my account on the Chobotical forums, which you can make an account in by pressing the Chobotical Forums button to teh right of this post 8D
My name is iKirby, so feel free to friend moi! <3

Okay, and as for the game and website, it is currently undergoing MAJOR construction!
This has been going on for about a week now, but even though we'd all like to play, we want this game to be the best it can be!
So patience is a virtue. ;)

And don't worry, it'll sure to be on real soon. :D
Meanwhile, you can check my last blog post to grab a template and enter the new contest on the blog!
Even though the blog is down along with the game, nothing can stop you from making a news article! 

So that's about it for today, and I'll be sure to keep you updated once something else pops up on Chobotical this week!
So bai guys!!!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Chobotical's First Contest!

Hello guys! Welcome back to my blog ^^

I've got some big news today :o
Most of you already know what I be speakin' of, but I'll tell you anyways! xD
Chobotical has finally announced the first contest! 

The contest is to write a Fiction Newspaper Article all about how Chobots transitioned into Chobotical!
They encourage you to add creativity and pizazz  to your article, so go nuts! :P

If you would like to enter, feel free to use this template.
Simply copy this template into your editing program, write your IGN (in game name), and write your newspaper article!

Once finished, simply double click the template, and it will bring you to the comments section of the contest.

All winners will receive exclusive prizes in their player's inbox, and maybe even a few bugs as well. ;)

I wish you all the very best of luck, and don't worry about winning this specific contest. More are sure to come in the future, so save up those skills!

Until next post,

~Dizzy <3


Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Dizzeh in teh houseeee~!

So yes, I am back from the dead, and living life like a normal geek.
So you must've wondered where I've been, right?
No Chobots Universe posts? :o
Well, Chobots universe so happens to be a chobots game that isn't really an official one, so they could take your information. Very unsafe :c
But luckily, Chobotical is an official chobots game that both .net and .com recommends, which will keep your information safe xD
They are currently in open beta at the moment, so now is a good time to swipe those names :3
You can also get an exclusive background, and free membership for a few days!!
Don't forget the .net forums, because chobotical has one as well ^^

Also, there is a brand new currency:

Rubiesssss~ :D

Yep. Finally something that doesn't take forever to get when you start chobots...
*cough* bugs *cough*

Don't forget, if you are 13 and up and you want to apply to be a moderator, designer, or developer, apply as soon as possible! Spots don't last forever ^^

Sadly, I'm slightly underage, turning 13 next March ;)
But stay tuned for more Chobots videos real soon; I've mastered all effects in Camtasia, so be excited :D

I must go, my people need me. ^o^